To share or not to share….

I grappled in my mind for bit on whether to share this recipe for homemade yeast rolls. I mean….they are so mouthwatering, buttery, salty, sweet, fluffy, and just like the pringles slogan “you can never eat just one.” I thought, this must be a time treasured secret that only I and a few others in…

The Amazing Artichoke!

I recently held a cooking and nutrition seminar with a support group of amazing ladies who are either currently in cancer treatment or are in recovery. To say it was inspiring just doesn’t do justice.  These women were warriors!   I am a firm believer that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and have…

Low-Carb Cauli Fried “Rice”

    It’s of course that time of year, where we are all struggling to keep from breaking those new years resolutions,  hoping to lose a few more lbs and shred that winter weight.  I am a firm believer in watching carbs, primarily I say carbs and refer to wheat and grains.  Over the course…

For The Love of Fruitcake!

For the Love of Fruitcake! Let’s talk fruitcake, seriously?  If you are an American, you are probably rolling your eyes. If you are from nearly anywhere else in the world, your mouth may be watering from memories of this delicious holiday treat or dense and sweet wedding cake. Fruitcake is a very popular dessert throughout…

Can’t Beet This Salad! It’s Too Good To Beet-true!

Happy Monday Gang!  I’m still truckin on this fitness journey and six-week #fasterwaytofatloss boot-camp.  This morning began day one of week two in this carb cycling, intermittent fasting, HIIT training (still not sure what that means but ok?), heavy lifting, speed burst training, and  insulin manipulation cycle…thanks to the fitness gem and mastermind @amandatress. “HELP…

Maximizing Macros and I Still Eat Bread!

Today is day four of the #fasterwaytofatloss boot camp and I am loving it! I must say, @amandatress you are an amazing inspiration! Being a female entrepreneur myself, and having listened to her this week has provided me helpful insights and encouragement for the struggles I face daily! For the fist two days of this…

Boot Camp & Broccoli “Cheese” Dairy-Free Soup

My last post was all about guilty indulgences(#cinnamonandhoneycremebrulee) and boy did I ever satisfy my sweet tooth last week! (Halloween candy hangover) I knew if I didn’t get it out of my system, I would have little success with the boot camp I started today. (yes, I started yet another boot camp & fingers crossed I…

Back to School Bento

The month of August is like biting into a sour patch kid. The thought of getting back into morning routine, kids in bed by 8pm while the sun is still shining, sitting in carpool lane and packing lunches on the regular just puts a sour taste in my mouth! All the while, it’s our duty…